C-RAM RGD-S is a filled silicone rubber sheet material with a high magnetic loss. It is available in three grades: -117, -124, and -192. The -192 grade has the highest loading and highest loss. C-RAM RGD-S is used for terminations, loads, and attenuators in waveguides, coaxial lines, and microstrip circuits. It can also be used for lowering the Q of cavities and eliminating unwanted resonances. C-RAM RGD-S is cut readily with a sharp knife, and can be sawed, die cut, waterjet cut, or otherwise machined to complex shapes. Since it is ferromagnetic, it is easily held in place during machining with magnetic chucks. It is flexible and can be bonded to contoured surfaces.
Specific Gravity: 4.0
Thermal Expansion per ºC: 6 x 10-5
Thermal Conductivity: .0021 cal-cm/sec-cm2-ºC
6.0 BTU-in/hr-ft2-oF Service Temperature: -55 to +200 oC(-65 to +400 oF)
Hardness, Shore A: 75
Water Absorption, 24 hrs: <0.1% Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm:>1010
Dielectric Strength, kV/mm: >400 (>100 V/mil)
Relative Impedance (Z/Zo): 0.3 for -117 0.4 for -124 0.6 for -192
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